Hello LeadingAge attendees! We are excited to welcome you to our website and introduce you to our latest and greatest line of Fall Prevention and Anti-Wandering Products!

Last year in San Diego, everyone loved that the Central Monitoring System can be customized to meet their specific needs. Using a combination of components, this is an ideal system for facilities.

There was also a lot of excitement for our Anti-Wandering DepartAlert®This door system will alert caregivers when a patient with Alzheimer’s or dementia is attempting to leave the facility. 

We also have a new 4000 line available for large facilities. Our new Large Facility Central Monitor is a great way to manage and utilize the DepartAlert®, restroom emergency call systems and sensor pads, all in one central location. This system can be customized to match your facilities room numbers.

Enter the Smart Caregiver LeadingAge 2020 Raffle.

Return to our virtual booth and enter the raffle to win a 433-SYS.

It includes a 60 channel Economy Central Monitor, 3 call buttons and a pager!

Valued at $179.95